Posts Tagged ‘flying foxes’

Chainsaws and exposing yourself 20.4.2012

April 20, 2012

Auld lang syne

Minding my own business reading the letters to the editor in the Herald today, I read yet another sadly ignorant letter about the threatened flying foxes in Maitland.

The letter was entitled ‘Go home to the bush‘ and is from a no-doubt-well-meaning man from the Lower Hunter who wants to remove the Lorn flying fox colony using a couple of chainsaws.

He also thinks that the Chinese tallow tree would be a good replacement for the grove of trees there now. It’s a beautiful tree but a problem on the north coast near Casino and a problem in the southern states of the US; a single tree produces 100 000 seeds a year; let’s take guesses on how long it will be before it’s a problem down here.

Newcastle City Council had their first expo this week. They had 20 booths where lucky customers could talk to *cringe* council officers or *cringe again* elected councillors. 70 – yes SEVENTY – people attended which was – wait for it – more than the General Manager says was expected.

Imagine the cost in staff time. This is NCC’s attempt at increased community engagement. Wonder why they bothered with a vocal minority.

The Herald said: ‘It comes after the council has received significant criticism, mainly from grassroots community groups, about its engagement practices.

‘Mr Pearce has said since arriving last year that he wants to change the way the organisation interacts with residents and ratepayers.

We’ve said we want to improve our engagement with the community and this event is a genuine attempt not just to inform residents about what we have planned for the city but also get their feedback on a wide range of council business,” he said.’

Keep saying it, Phil. Someone might believe you.

Your rates at work.


Cr Boyd heckled 29.3.2012

March 29, 2012

Lorn back street

A school geography excursion visited the Town Hall today and were  *cough* fortunate enough to be addressed by Cr Boyd on Council and the environment. (more…)

Lorn Flying Foxes 27.3.2012

March 26, 2012

Went to show a friend the Lorn flying fox colony yesterday. As usual it was lovely to see them and I learned that flying foxes prefer spotted gum flowers to melaleuca flowers. Who’d a thought? (more…)

Wedding bells 13.4.2011

April 14, 2011

I went to a wedding in Sydney last weekend and enjoyed, in no particular order, a spectacular view of the harbour, lovely company, the optimism that always goes with these occasions, gorgeous  readings – and fig trees as far as the eye could see. But not a fence in sight. (more…)

Walking on water 29.1.2011

January 29, 2011

The shared walkway/ bike path at ‘Red Bluff’ on Lake Macquarie was just lovely this morning.


Mulch 18.1.2011

January 18, 2011

Anyone who gardens knows there are good reasons to mulch around plants. (more…)

More court coming up & a fundraiser to look forward to 16.10.2010

October 16, 2010

The picture on the left was taken in a courtyard of the National Museum in Canberra on a hot summer’s day a year or so ago. It was a beautiful stand of funny little native trees (I presumed) all doing their own thing, bending here, there and everywhere while pretending to be the same.


Tree Stuff and other stuff

July 16, 2010

Day one today of a four-day weekend to see part of the school holidays. It was nice. (more…)

Home-grown bats and council irony

March 28, 2010

I went on a bushwalk yesterday with my daughters to see if there has been any damage done by flying fox colonies to trees. (more…)