Karma’s a b*tch


NCC tree management

The tree team that made such an impact on Newcastle a couple of years ago is finding that the universe has a way of rewarding us all.

You have to read this: a friend overseas noticed the link – don’t you just adore the internet?

The story is ‘Ausgrid contractors have left a stand of trees in Melbourne Street, East Gosford, looking like nothing more than degraded wooden artefacts.’

The joy for us is that it’s brought to you by a ‘concerned* resident’ well known to Laman Street campaigners.

How’s the irony in this: ‘ There is no legal or moral excuse for such destructive work.’ 

I wonder how many years it will take before the trees recover? Maybe they never will. How awful to have to see trees or a streetscape ruined for no reason.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer etc.

Below are some reminders of the work this concern* brought to Newcastle.


Tyrrell Street 2004 After


Manna from heaven - the slight movement in these trees in the 2007 storm enabled 'experts' to convince the then council to allow sturdy healthy trees to be removed

Manna from heaven – the slight movement in these trees in the 2007 storm enabled ‘experts’ to convince the then council to allow sturdy healthy trees to be removed

Tyrrell Street after emergency crown reduction

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2 Responses to “Karma’s a b*tch”

  1. ArchitectGJA Says:

    From the linked article:
    “I have taught horticulture and arboriculture at TAFE and have worked in municipal tree management and as an acting commissioner in the NSW Land and Environment Court,” he [Phil Hewett] said.

    “There is no legal or moral excuse for such destructive work.”….

    …unless of course, there’s an ill-planned and underfunded development scheme as in Newcastle which finds heritage trees a very inconvenient impediment. Then any avenue of thriving natural vitality is deemed expendable.

  2. Keith Parsons Says:

    Er, what’s that about? Our blog for sale??

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